Contact Us
Where can I buy your product?
If you are a retail store, please contact Anchor Distributors at 800-444-4484 or visit anchordistributors.com. If you are a consumer, our products are sold at Christian and general market retailers worldwide.
How do I get a record deal/Where do I send my demo?
We’re sorry, but Provident Music does not accept unsolicited demos. If you are a new artist, we suggest you contact the Gospel Music Association (www.gospelmusic.org) or call 800-GMA-3211. They have ample resources and would be happy to mail you more information about growing your ministry career in the Christian music industry.
How do I obtain distribution for my project or record company?
Please call 615-261-6393 to listen to a detailed message regarding our distribution review policy.
Where do I send my resume?
Click here to view current job openings and apply online
How do I get a song published or become a songwriter?
Unfortunately, we are not soliciting any outside material. However, there are several sources for you to have your material reviewed and/or receive advice on becoming a songwriter. Once source is the Gospel Music Association’s Academy of Gospel Music Arts. They hold seminars and competitions for aspiring songwriters and artists. There is a fee for this. They can be reached at 800-GMA-3211 or gospelmusic.org. There is a conference held each October new St. Louis, MO called “Write About Jesus.” The registration fee includes song competition, teaching, and one-on-one evaluation. Their number is 636-925-1265, or you can access their website at writeaboutjesus.com. You may also try the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI). Their number is 615-356-3354, or you access their website at nashvillesongwriters.com. If you need general music business guidelines, you can check out “This Business of Music” at your local library.
How do I obtain permission to use a Provident master in my own production?
The use of a master recording involves two different types of copyright permissions. Both permissions are necessary for a valid “master use.” You must obtain permission to use:
- the sound recording – the rights to which are controlled by a record company or similar production company
- the musical composition contained in the sound recording – the rights to which are controlled by the music publisher(s) of the song
If you would like to request permission to use a Provident master recording in an audio, video, or internet production, please go to essentialmusicpublishing.com and search for the song . Once you have located the song, you can apply for a master use license as well as a license for the music publishing rights we control (if any) by creating an account and selecting the type of product you are creating.
Select project type:

Select artist recording:

The publishing and master use royalty will appear as follows:

Please note: submitting your request does not guarantee that you will be approved. You may not proceed with your use of Provident materials until you receive written confirmation from our licensing department.
The Master Use Request Form covers the use of the sound recording only. You are solely responsible for obtaining permission from the publisher(s) of each song for which a master use license is requested. Failure to do so shall automatically render the corresponding Provident master use license invalid.
How do I obtain permission to record a song on my custom recording?
You must contact the pubisher(s) of the song which you would like to record and obtain a mechanical license. If the song has been recorded by any artist or contained in a printed publication, please refer to the copyright notice on the CD insert (or title page of the song in the case of a printed piece) that pertains to that specific song. Only the publisher(s) of the song can grant permission and issue a mechanical license. The record company/recording artist cannot grant permission on behalf of the music publisher(s).
If our music publisher, Essential Music Publishing, controls the rights to the composition, you can search for the song at essentialmusicpublishing.com. Otherwise, ccli.com is a great resource for finding the publishers.
How do I obtain permission to use a Praise Hymn performance/accompaniment track for my custom album/recording?
If you would like to use the accompaniment track for a custom recording, the license fee is $150.00 per track, which covers up to 2,500 units of your custom recording. To obtain a license, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] with your name, address and email address and the license and payment instructions will be sent to you as soon as possible.
- Please note: accompaniment tracks from our Mastertrax product line are the original artist recordings and are intended for live performance only. Mastertrax are not available for licensing as a part of a custom recording.
I need a performance/accompaniment track for a custom recording…
We have many soundtracks available through Digital Music providers including iTunes and christianbook.com. You must obtain licensing to use on a recording.
How do I obtain permission to use a performance/accompaniment track for a live performance?
Your purchase of a Provident/Praise Hymn accompaniment track allows you to use it in a live performance setting with no further permission necessary.
How do I get servicing as a radio station?
Please send an email request to [email protected] listing your call letters and the genre of music you are interested in receive (ie, CCM, Rock, Southern Gospel, Gospel, etc.) and your request will be sent to the appropriate label contact.
How do I obtain permission to photocopy a piece of music for my choir/worship team?
You must obtain permission, in writing from the music publisher(s) of the song. The record company/recording artist cannot grant permission on behalf of the music publisher(s). If you have a piece of music which you would like to copy, you can locate the publishers of the song by looking at the copyright notice at the bottom of the first printed page of the music.
If our music publisher, Essential Music Publishing, controls the rights to the composition you can search for the song at essentialmusicpublishing.com. Otherwise ccli.com is a great resource for finding the publisher(s).
I have a question about one of your artists.
Visit our artist roster pages, find the artist you need and email your question to the address indicated, or you may email us at [email protected]